Practical guide to Error Handling in Rust

Effective error handling ensures that a program can gracefully handle unexpected situations and errors, making the software more robust and reliable. Well-designed error messages help users understand what went wrong and how to correct it, and contribute to the overall user experience using the library or the API. In this article I’ll gradually go through a number of options of handling errors in Rust and try to explain the benefits of using a method vs the other.
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Builder Pattern in Go and Rust

The Builder Pattern is a design pattern that provides a way to construct a complex object step by step, focusing on breaking down the construction of the object into smaller, more manageable steps. It separates the construction of a object from its representation, allowing the same construction process to create different variations or representations of the final object. This helps improve code readability, especially when dealing with objects that have a large number of attributes or configurations.
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Fan-Out, Fan-In pipeline in Go and Rust

In this article I’m exploring the process of implementing a Fan-Out/ Fan-In pipeline in Go and Rust. Fan-Out is a term to describe the process of starting multiple workers to handle input from the pipeline, and Fan-In is a term to describe the process of combining multiple results into one channel. I’m assuming that you have some familiarity with both Go and Rust languages. I’m new to Rust also, therefore it’s fair to say that this is about concurrency in Go & Rust through the eyes of a GO developer.
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