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Pub-Sub messaging

Danube is built on the publish-subscribe pattern. In this pattern, producers publish messages to topics; consumers subscribe to those topics, process incoming messages, and send acknowledgments to the broker when processing is finished.

Queuing vs Pub/Sub (fan-out)

Below is some general documentation about Queuing and Pub-Sub, not related to Danube implementation, but just to ensure we are aware of the standards.

Messaging queuing and pub-sub are both messaging patterns used for asynchronous communication between applications, but they differ in their approach:

Queuing Messaging

  • Model: Point-to-Point (One-to-One). A message producer sends a message to a specific queue, and only one consumer can receive and process that message.
  • Order: Messages are typically processed in the order they are received (FIFO - First-In-First-Out). This ensures tasks are completed sequentially.
  • Delivery: Messages are guaranteed to be delivered at least once. This reliability is crucial for critical tasks.

Examples: Use cases include processing orders, sending emails, or handling failed transactions.

Pub/Sub Messaging (fan-out)

  • Model: Publish-Subscribe (One-to-Many). A producer publishes messages to a topic, and any interested subscribers can receive the message. Multiple subscribers can receive the same message.
  • Order: Message order is not guaranteed. Subscribers receive messages as they are published. This is suitable for real-time updates or notifications.
  • Delivery: Delivery is often "fire-and-forget," meaning there's no guarantee a subscriber receives the message. This is acceptable for non-critical data.

Examples: Use cases include broadcasting stock price updates, sending chat messages, or triggering real-time analytics.

In Summary:

  • Messaging queues are for reliable, ordered delivery to a single consumer, ideal for task processing.
  • Pub-sub is for broadcasting messages to many interested parties, good for real-time updates.

Danube Subscriptions

A Danube subscription is a named configuration rule that determines how messages are delivered to consumers. It is a lease on a topic established by a group of consumers:

  • Exclusive (can be used for pub-sub) - The exclusive type is a subscription type that only allows a single consumer to attach to the subscription. If multiple consumers subscribe to a topic using the same subscription, an error occurs.
  • Shared (for queuing) - The shared subscription type Danube allows multiple consumers to attach to the same subscription. Messages are delivered in a round-robin distribution across consumers, and any given message is delivered to only one consumer.

Queuing or Pub/Sub (fan-out) using Danube

  • If you want to achieve message queuing among consumers, share the same subscription name among multiple consumers
  • If you want to achieve traditional fan-out pub-sub messaging among consumers, specify a unique subscription name for each consumer with an exclusive subscription type.