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A Danube subscription is a named configuration rule that determines how messages are delivered to consumers. It is a lease on a topic established by a group of consumers.

The Danube permits multiple producers and subcribers to the same topic. The Subscription Types can be combined to obtain message queueing or fan-out pub-sub messaging patterns.

Producers  Consumers


The Exclusive type is a subscription type that only allows a single consumer to attach to the subscription. If multiple consumers subscribe to a topic using the same subscription, an error occurs. This consumer has exclusive access to all messages published to the topic or partition.

Exclusive subscription on Non-Partitioned Topic

  • Consumer: Only one consumer can be attached to the topic with an Exclusive subscription.
  • Message Handling: The single consumer handles all messages from the topic, receiving every message published to that topic.

Exclusive Non-Partitioned

Exclusive subscription on Partitioned Topic (Multiple Partitions)

  • Consumer: One consumer is allowed to connect to the subscription across all partitions of the partitioned topic.
  • Message Handling : This single consumer processes messages from all partitions of the partitioned topic. If a topic is partitioned into multiple partitions, the exclusive consumer handles messages from every partition.

Exclusive Partitioned


The Shared subscription type Danube allows multiple consumers to attach to the same subscription. Messages are delivered in a round-robin distribution across consumers, and any given message is delivered to only one consumer.

Shared subscription on Non-Partitioned Topic

  • Consumers: Multiple consumers can subscribe to the same topic.
  • Message Handling: Messages are distributed among all consumers in a round-robin fashion.

Shared Non-Partitioned

Shared subscription on Partitioned Topic (Multiple Partitions)

  • Consumers: Multiple consumers can subscribe to the partitioned topic.
  • Message Handling: Messages are distributed across all partitions, and then among consumers in a round-robin fashion. Each message from any partition is delivered to only one consumer.

Shared Partitioned


The FailOver subscription type allows only one consumer (the active consumer) to receive messages at any given time. An active consumer is picked for a non-partitioned topic or for each partition of a partitioned topic and receives messages.

FailOver subscription on Non-Partitioned Topic

  • Consumers: Only one active consumer processes messages at a time.
  • Message Handling: If the active consumer fails, a standby consumer will take over.

FailOver Non-Partitioned

FailOver subscription on Partitioned Topic (Multiple Partitions)

  • Consumers: One active consumer processes messages for each partition.
  • Message Handling: If the active consumer for a partition fails, a standby consumer takes over.

FailOver Partitioned