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A consumer is a process that attaches to a topic via a subscription and then receives messages.

Subscription Types - describe the way the consumers receive the messages from topics

  • Exclusive - Only one consumer can subscribe, guaranteeing message order.
  • Shared - Multiple consumers can subscribe, messages are delivered round-robin, offering good scalability but no order guarantee.
  • Failover - Similar to shared subscriptions, but multiple consumers can subscribe, and one actively receives messages.


let topic = "/default/test_topic".to_string();

let mut consumer = client

// Subscribe to the topic
let consumer_id = consumer.subscribe().await?;
println!("The Consumer with ID: {:?} was created", consumer_id);

let _schema = client.get_schema(topic).await.unwrap();

// Start receiving messages
let mut message_stream = consumer.receive().await?;

 while let Some(message) = {

    //process the message and ack for receive

ctx := context.Background()
topic := "/default/test_topic"
subType := danube.Exclusive

consumer, err := client.NewConsumer(ctx).
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize the consumer: %v", err)

consumerID, err := consumer.Subscribe(ctx)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to subscribe: %v", err)
log.Printf("The Consumer with ID: %v was created", consumerID)

// Receiving messages
streamClient, err := consumer.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Failed to receive messages: %v", err)

for {
    msg, err := streamClient.Recv()

   //process the message and ack for receive


Complete example

For a complete example implementation of the above code using producers and consumers, check the examples: