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Resources mapping

This document describes how the resources are organized in the Metadata store

MetadataStore and LocalCache

Basically the entire configuration and the metadata for all the cluster's objects (topics, namespaces, etc) are stored in MetadataStorage (ETCD) and in the LocalCache to ensure fast retrieval for the local broker and to reduce the number of request to the metadata database.

The pattern:

  • Put / Delete requests should use MetadataStore (ETCD), to ensure consistency across cluster
  • Get requests should be served from the Local Cache

The LocalCache continuously update from 2 sources for increase consistency:

  • the Watch operation on ETCD
  • the Syncronizer topic, where all Put / Delete requests are published and read by the brokers.

Resources Types

Cluster Resources

Holds information about the cluster and the cluster's brokers. Mainly read and write by Danube Service.

  • /cluster/cluster-name
  • holds a String with the name of the cluster
  • /cluster/register/{broker-id}
  • the broker register once it join the cluster, contain the broker metadata (broker id & socket addr)
  • /cluster/brokers/{broker-id}/{namespace}/{topic}
  • topics served by the broker, with value ()
  • Load Manager updates the path, with topic assignments to brokers
  • Brokers should watch it's own path like (/cluster/brokers/1122334455) - and perform the neccesary actions on adding or removing a topic
  • /cluster/unassigned/{namespace}/{topic}
  • New unassigned topics created by Broker
  • Load Manager should watch this path, add assign the topic to a broker
  • /cluster/load/{broker-id}
  • broker periodically reports its load metrics on this path
  • Load Manager watch this path to calculate broker load rankings for the cluster
  • /cluster/load_balance
  • the load_balance updated decision, posted by the Load Manager, contain a HashMap with keys the broker_id and value the list of topic_name
  • /cluster/leader
  • the value posted by Leader Election service, it holds broker_id of the current Leader of the CLuster


  • /cluster/brokers/1122334455/markets/trade-events - value is ()
  • /cluster/brokers/1122334455/markets/trade-events - value is ()

Namespace Resources

Holds information about the namespace policy and the namespace's topics

  • /namespaces/{namespace}/policy
  • /namespaces/{namespace}/topics/{namespace}/{topic}


  • /namespaces/markets/policy - the value stores a Json like { "retentionTimeInMinutes": 1440 }
  • /namespaces/markets/topics/markets/trade-events - topics part of the namespace, value is ()

Topic Resources

Holds information about the topic policy and the associated producers / subscriptions, including partitioned topic.

  • /topics/{namespace}/{topic}/policy
  • holds the topic policy, the value stores a Json
  • /topics/{namespace}/{topic}/schema
  • holds the topic schema, the value stores the schema
  • /topics/{namespace}/{topic}/producers/{producer_id}
  • holds the producer config
  • /topics/{namespace}/{topic}/subscriptions/{subscription_name}
  • holds the subscription config


  • /topics/markets/trade-events/producers/1122334455 - with value Producer Metadata
  • /topics/markets/trade-events/subscriptions/my_subscription - with value Subscription Metadata
  • /topics/markets/trade-events-part-1/policy - where /markets/trade-events-part-1 is the partitioned topic that stores partition policy

Subscriptions Resources

Holds information about the topic subscriptions, including associated consumers

  • /subscriptions/{subscription_name}/{consumer_id}
  • holds the consumer metadata


  • /subscriptions/my_subscription/23232323