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Setup Danube on the kubernetes cluster

This documentation covers the instalation of the Danube cluster on the kubernetes, that is running on the local machine

Create the cluster with kind

Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container β€œnodes”.

kind create cluster
Creating cluster "kind" ...
 βœ“ Ensuring node image (kindest/node:v1.30.0) πŸ–Ό
 βœ“ Preparing nodes πŸ“¦  
 βœ“ Writing configuration πŸ“œ 
 βœ“ Starting control-plane πŸ•ΉοΈ 
 βœ“ Installing CNI πŸ”Œ 
 βœ“ Installing StorageClass πŸ’Ύ 
Set kubectl context to "kind-kind"
You can now use your cluster with:

kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind

Install the Ngnix Ingress controller

Using the Official NGINX Ingress Helm Chart

You can install the NGINX Ingress Controller using Helm:

helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update

You can expose the NGINX Ingress controller using a NodePort service so that the traffic from the local machine (outside the cluster) can reach the Ingress controller.

helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
  --set controller.service.type=NodePort

You can find out which port is assigned by running

kubectl get svc

NAME                                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
kubernetes                                         ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP                      4m17s
nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller             NodePort   <none>        80:30115/TCP,443:30294/TCP   2m58s
nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                      2m58s

If ngnix is running as NodePort (usually for testing), you need local port in this case 30115, in order to provide to danube_helm installation.

Install Danube PubSub

First, add the repository to your Helm client:

helm repo add danube
helm repo update

You can install the chart with the release name my-danube-cluster using the following command:

helm install my-danube-cluster danube/danube-helm-chart --set broker.service.advertisedPort=30115

The advertisedPort is used to allow the client to reach the brokers, through the ingress NodePort.

You can further customize the installation, check the readme file. I'm installing it using the default configuration with 3 danube brokers.

Resource consideration

Pay attention to resource allocation, the default configuration is just OK for testing.

For production environment you may want to increase.

Sizing for Production

Small to Medium Load:

  • CPU Requests: 500m to 1 CPU
  • CPU Limits: 1 CPU to 2 CPUs
  • Memory Requests: 512Mi to 1Gi
  • Memory Limits: 1Gi to 2Gi

Heavy Load:

  • CPU Requests: 1 CPU to 2 CPUs
  • CPU Limits: 2 CPUs to 4 CPUs
  • Memory Requests: 1Gi to 2Gi
  • Memory Limits: 2Gi to 4Gi

Check the install

Make sure that the brokers, etcd and the ngnix ingress are running properly in the cluster.

kubectl get all

NAME                                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker1-766665d6f4-qdbf6         1/1     Running   0          12s
pod/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker2-5774ff4dd6-dvx66         1/1     Running   0          12s
pod/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker3-6db6b5fccd-dkr2k         1/1     Running   0          12s
pod/my-danube-cluster-etcd-867f5b85f8-g4m9m                   1/1     Running   0          12s
pod/nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-7bc7c7776d-wqc5g   1/1     Running   0          47m

NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                       AGE
service/kubernetes                                         ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP                       48m
service/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker1                   ClusterIP    <none>        6650/TCP,50051/TCP,9040/TCP   12s
service/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker2                   ClusterIP    <none>        6650/TCP,50051/TCP,9040/TCP   12s
service/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker3                   ClusterIP      <none>        6650/TCP,50051/TCP,9040/TCP   12s
service/my-danube-cluster-etcd                             ClusterIP    <none>        2379/TCP                      12s
service/nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller             NodePort   <none>        80:30115/TCP,443:30294/TCP    47m
service/nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                       47m

NAME                                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker1         1/1     1            1           12s
deployment.apps/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker2         1/1     1            1           12s
deployment.apps/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker3         1/1     1            1           12s
deployment.apps/my-danube-cluster-etcd                   1/1     1            1           12s
deployment.apps/nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller   1/1     1            1           47m

NAME                                                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker1-766665d6f4         1         1         1       12s
replicaset.apps/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker2-5774ff4dd6         1         1         1       12s
replicaset.apps/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker3-6db6b5fccd         1         1         1       12s
replicaset.apps/my-danube-cluster-etcd-867f5b85f8                   1         1         1       12s
replicaset.apps/nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-7bc7c7776d   1         1         1       47m

Validate that the brokers have started correctly:

kubectl logs pod/my-danube-cluster-danube-broker1-766665d6f4-qdbf6

initializing metrics exporter
2024-08-28T04:30:22.969462Z  INFO danube_broker: Use ETCD storage as metadata persistent store
2024-08-28T04:30:22.969598Z  INFO danube_broker: Start the Danube Service
2024-08-28T04:30:22.969612Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Setting up the cluster MY_CLUSTER
2024-08-28T04:30:22.971978Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service::local_cache: Initial cache populated
2024-08-28T04:30:22.972013Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Started the Local Cache service.
2024-08-28T04:30:22.990763Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service::broker_register: Broker 14150019297734190044 registered in the cluster
2024-08-28T04:30:22.991620Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Namespace default already exists.
2024-08-28T04:30:22.991926Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Namespace system already exists.
2024-08-28T04:30:22.992480Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Namespace default already exists.
2024-08-28T04:30:22.992490Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: cluster metadata setup completed
2024-08-28T04:30:22.992551Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service:  Started the Broker GRPC server
2024-08-28T04:30:22.992563Z  INFO danube_broker::broker_server: Server is listening on address:
2024-08-28T04:30:22.992605Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Started the Leader Election service
2024-08-28T04:30:22.993050Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service: Started the Load Manager service.
2024-08-28T04:30:22.993143Z  INFO danube_broker::danube_service:  Started the Danube Admin GRPC server
2024-08-28T04:30:22.993274Z  INFO danube_broker::admin: Admin is listening on address:

Setup in order to communicate with cluster PubSub brokers

kubectl get nodes -o wide
kind-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   53m   v1.30.0    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)   5.15.0-118-generic   containerd://1.7.15

Use the INTERNAL-IP to route the traffic to broker hosts. Add the following in the hosts file, but make sure you match the number and the name of the brokers from the helm values.yaml file.

cat /etc/hosts

Inspect the etcd instance (optional)

If you want to connect from your local machine, use kubectl port-forward to forward the etcd port to your local machine:

Port Forward etcd Service:

kubectl port-forward service/my-danube-cluster-etcd 2379:2379

Once port forwarding is set up, you can run etcdctl commands from your local machine:

etcdctl --endpoints=http://localhost:2379 watch --prefix /