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Danube Installation Guide

Danube is an open-source distributed Pub/Sub messaging platform written in Rust. It relies on ETCD for persistent metadata storage. This guide will walk you through installing Danube brokers and ETCD.


ETCD: Follow the ETCD installation instructions to set up ETCD on a VM or bare metal server.

Number of VMs: Recommended 4 Linux machines or VMs:

  • One or more VMs for running ETCD
  • 3 VMs for running Danube brokers

Installation Steps

1. Install ETCD

  1. Follow the ETCD installation guide to set up ETCD on a separate VM or server.
  2. Configuration: Ensure ETCD listens on port 2379 for client requests.

2. Download Danube Broker

  1. Visit the Danube releases page.
  2. Download the latest binary for Linux named danube-broker.

3. Install Danube Brokers

  1. Upload the danube-broker binary to each of the 3 VMs designated for brokers.

  2. Customize the Danube cluster config file

A sample file can be found HERE.

  1. Run the Broker: Start each broker with the appropriate configuration.

Example command to start a broker:

RUST_LOG=danube_broker=info ./danube-broker --config-file config/danube_broker.yml

Replace ETCD_SERVER_IP with the IP address of your ETCD server.

Repeat for each additional broker instance.

4. Verify the Setup

  1. ETCD: Ensure ETCD is running and accessible. You can check its status by accessing http://<ETCD_SERVER_IP>:2379 from a browser or using curl:
curl http://<ETCD_SERVER_IP>:2379/v3/version
  1. Danube Brokers: Ensure each broker instance is running and listening on the specified port. You can check this with netstat or ss:
netstat -tuln | grep 6650

Log Files: For debugging, check the logs of each Danube broker instance.

Additional Information

For more details, visit the Danube GitHub repository or contact the project maintainers for support.